The Hannibal Free Public Library Board of Trustees held its regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, May 11, 2021, at 5:00 p.m. The Library Board met in the Library’s meeting rooms on the Third Floor. Present were Kim Ahrens, Frank DiTillo, Annie Dixon, Roy Hark, Kevin Knickerbocker, J’Nelle Lee, Tom Prater, and Lauren Youse. Sara A. North was absent. Also Present: Assistant Director Caitlin Greathouse and Library Director Hallie Yundt Silver.

Kim Ahrens chaired the Library Board meeting. She called it to order at 5:04 p.m. Face masks were worn and social distancing was practiced.

Moved by Annie Dixon and supported by Roy Hark to approve the Minutes of the Meeting of April 13, 2021. Motion carried.

Final Claims for May in the amount of $55,892.97 were distributed. MasterCard claims for May in the amount of $3,587.71 were in the main packet. In addition to the usual, Claims included Summer Reading (A&S Printing and Ellison Educational Equipment), Toner from CDW-G, binding of last year’s newspapers from Houchen Bindery, and the service contract on the microfilm reader/printers. Moved by Kevin Knickerbocker and supported by Roy Hark to approve the Claims for May 2021 in the amount of $59,480.68.

Hallie Yundt Silver reported that the Investment Committee decided on two Certificates of Deposit from local banks totaling $325,000, per Library Board instructions. Since funds at HomeBank were needed to make the purchases, she reported that $115,000 was transferred from F&M Bank and $100,000 from IBN/AMG/Wedbush. A CD in the amount of $225,000 for 24 months at an interest rate of 0.65% was purchased from Central State Bank in Quincy. Hallie Yundt Silver reported that the Investment Report proposed allocating funds from Capital Outlay, Cash Flow, Unrestricted, and Roller. A CD in the amount of $100,000 for 12 months at an interest rate of 0.50% was purchased from MA Bank in Monroe City. She proposed allocating funds from the Garth portion of Capital Outlay for this CD.

Moved by Frank DiTillo and supported by J’Nelle Lee to approve the Investment Report for April 2021. Motion carried.

Moved by Frank DiTilloo and supported by Lauren Youse to authorize the Investment Committee to work with Brad Lukens of AMG to invest up to $64,500 from the money market account at AMG/IBN/Wedbush and $100,000 from the CD that matures on May 24th. Motion carried.

The City Financial Report was included in the Financial Packet.

The Transfer Recommendation for was distributed. It showed no additional request for transfer of funds. Moved by Lauren Youse and supported by Roy Hark to approve the Transfer Recommendation for May 2021. Motion carried.

There was no Correspondence.

The Investment Committee report was provided earlier in the meeting before the Investment Report was approved. Tom Prater provided the Library Personnel & Services Committee report. The Nominating and By-Laws Committees met. Kim Ahrens indicated that the work of these Committees would be covered later in the meeting.

The Director’s written report was included in the main packet. Hallie Yundt Silver added the following information to her report:

City Manager Lisa Peck confirmed her mask mandate for employees on April 29th and again on May 11th.

The Library must have more concrete work done at the entrance. The sill in the fire stairs needs to be replaced, and the limestone steps at the traditional entrance need to be mortared again. Because of unknown conditions beneath the concrete, it is impossible for a contractor to provide an estimate. Bleigh did a good job with the last repair. There being no objections on the part of the Library Board, Caitlin Greathouse would contact Bleigh about the current work.

Replacing the photocopier with FY2020-2021 funds would be possible if one of the quotes from Golden Ruler would be accepted. Replacing the fluorescent ceiling fixtures and fans in the Magazine Reading Room would also be possible if the quote from P&D Electric would be accepted. There was consensus to consider waiving the Library’s Procurement & Disposition Policy at the June meeting to allow these projects to commence.

Caitlin Greathouse provided the remainder of the Director’s Report. She updated the Library Board on the Summer Reading Program. She described fundraising success. Summer 21 brochures, bookmarks, and schedules were distributed.

The Library Board met as a Committee of the Whole to review the Budgets for FY2020-2021 and FY2021-2022.

Moved by Kevin Knickerbocker and supported by Roy Hark to adopt the Amended Budget for 2020-2021, dated May 10, 2021. Motion carried.

Hallie Yundt Silver reported on the Roof & Skylight Project. She said there had been no recent leaks. She then said there was nothing else to report.

Kim Ahrens announced the first reading of the proposed amended By-Laws.

Hallie Yundt Silver made the first reading of the Slate of Officers, including Frank DiTillo as Treasurer and Sara North as Secretary. There was consensus that Kim Ahrens should continue as President. Tom Prater indicated that someone else should become Vice President as he was in his final year on the Library Board.

Annie Dixon nominated J’Nelle Lee to serve as Vice President.

A discussion of Trustee Recruitment was not needed since Frank DiTillo, Kevin Knickerbocker, and Annie Dixon all indicated they planned to request re-appointment.

Moved by Frank DiTillo and supported by Roy Hark to authorize the Finance Committee to approve end of year budget matters. Motion carried.

Kim Ahrens read the following announcement: "The tentative agenda of this meeting also includes a vote to close part of this meeting pursuant to RSMO 610.021(3), "Hiring, firing, disciplining or promoting of particular employees by a public governmental body…""

Moved by Frank DiTillo and supported by Kevin Knickerbocker to enter Executive Session. Motion carried. (Roll call, all ayes: Frank DiTillo, Roy Hark, Kevin Knickerbocker, Annie Dixon, Lauren Youse, J’Nelle Lee, Tom Prater)

The Library Board meeting was closed at 5:38 p.m.

Kim Ahrens asked Tom Prater to take Minutes. Hallie Yundt Silver left the meeting.

The Library Board meeting re-opened at 5:54 p.m. Hallie Yundt Silver joined the meeting again.

Moved by Roy Hark and supported by Frank DiTillo to adjourn. Motion carried.

The meeting adjourned at 5:56 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,


Hallie Yundt Silver, Acting Secretary



Kim Ahrens, President