The Hannibal Free Public Library Board of Trustees held its regular monthly meeting at 5:00 p.m., on Tuesday, May 12, 2020, on the 2nd Floor near the Front Desk at Hannibal Free Public Library, 200 South Fifth Street, Hannibal, MO 63401. Present: Kim Ahrens, Frank DiTillo, Roy Hark, J’Nelle Lee, Tom Prater, and Lauren Youse. Absent: Annie Dixon, Sara A. North, and Casey Welch. Also Present: Assistant Director Caitlin Greathouse and Library Director Hallie Yundt Silver.

Kim Ahrens chaired the meeting. She called it to order at 5:00 p.m. It was noted that there was social distancing, and everyone present at the meeting wore a facemask.

The Library Board toured the Library building to see progress on the Carpet Project and recovery from the book stack collapse.

It was noted that the Agenda had been amended and noticed to include Item 11E, Lexan Display Cases.

Moved by Roy Hark and supported by Frank DiTillo to approve the Minutes of the meeting of March 10, 2020, no quorum minutes of April 28, 2020, and Executive Session Minutes of March 10, 2020, correcting the header to include “Executive Session.” Motion carried.

Final Claims for April 2020 in the amount of $145,281.72 were included in the main packet for May. MasterCard claims in the amount of $2,096.84 were included in the main packet for April. It was noted that Kim Ahrens, Casey Welch, and Frank DiTillo approved Bleigh’s claim via email, and that Kim Ahrens approved Claims from EBSCO and Reliable. It was further noted that Quality Inn reimbursed Carol Shelton’s room to the Library in April, which meant that the Library needed to reimburse Carol Shelton via a check. (Shelton was a More Than a Month presenter in early March.) Moved by Roy Hark and supported by Lauren Youse to approve total Claims for April in the amount of $147,378.56. Motion carried.

Final Claims for May 2020 in the amount of $144,506.87 were emailed separate from the packets. MasterCard claims in the amount of $3,133.25 were included in the main packet for May. Claims included: asphalt and concrete for the City’s repairs to alley and driveway, Carpet Project invoices, and COVID-19 purchases. Moved by Roy Hark and supported by Lauren Youse to approve total Claims for April in the amount of $147,640.12. Motion carried.

The Library Board discussed its investments and the Investment Report. It was noted that a low interest rate of 0.01% on the money market accounts was being paid except for F&M’s regular money market account (up to FDIC limit), which was paying 0.51% under contract through the City. Hallie Yundt Silver indicated that she had asked the City Finance Director to move enough into F&M’s regular account from the ICS at F&M to ensure the highest interest earnings.

Hallie Yundt Silver indicated that she planned to propose in June the reallocation of several accounts to move Capital Outlay funds out of invested CD’s to replace Cash Flow that has already been spent on Capital Outlay.

Moved by Frank DiTillo and supported by Roy Hark to approve the Investment Reports for March and April 2020. Motion carried.

Moved by Frank DiTillo and supported by Lauren Youse to authorize the Investment Committee to review Cash Flow through January 2021 and consider investment of the excess locally.

The City Financial Report for April 2020 was included in the packets.

The Transfer Recommendation for May 2020 was distributed. Moved by Tom Prater and supported by Roy Hark to approve the Recommendation showing no transfer of funds. Motion carried.

There was no Corresponcence.

There were no Committee Reports. In lieu of a Building & Grounds Committee decision, there was consensus that both coats of the finish on the floor of the Woman’s Club Room should be satin. Discussion followed on the need for the Nominating Committee to meet. It was noted that three terms expire the end of June: Roy Hark, J’Nelle Lee, and Sara North. They were encouraged to email the Mayor to express interest in re-appointment.

Moved by Roy Hark and supported by J’Nelle Lee to nominate the current slate of officers for 2020-2021: President Kim Ahrens, Vice-President Tom Prater, Treasurer Frank DiTillo, and Secretary Sara North. It was noted that additional nominations from the floor could be made next month. Motion carried.

The Director’s written report was included in the packet. Hallie Yundt Silver reported on emergency Library Board decisions made via email since the last meeting, including:

Hallie Yundt Silver went on to report that a draft plan for Curbside Pickup Service was in place as of that morning after review by the staff and Jean McBride of the Marion County Health Department. Hallie Yundt Silver asked Caitlin Greathouse to report on the Summer Reading Program. Hallie Yundt Silver finished her report by announcing that the book drop was ready to be opened again.

Hallie Yundt Silver reported that the Carpet Project was nearing completion. She indicated that fumes were created by glue for the floor tile and the denatured alcohol used to clean the floor in the Woman’s Club Room. Because of the fumes, there was consensus that most staff probably should not work the following day, Thursday or Friday. She said Caitlin planned to work, and that staff were scheduled for Curbside Pickup Service on Saturday.

Moved by Frank DiTillo and supported by J’Nelle Lee to stop charging future overdue fines and waive overdue fines already assessed on patrons’ records. It was noted that the Library would continue to charge replacement fees, collection agency fees, and other fees. Motion carried.

Moved by Lauren Youse and supported by Roy Hark to set the date for the Library’s public hearing on the Budget for 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, June 9, 2020, with the Library Board’s regular monthly meeting to follow. Further moved to authorize Hallie Yundt Silver to place the legal advertisement. Motion carried.

A review of the proposed budget followed.

Moved by Roy Hark and supported by Tom Prater to adopt the Proposed Amended Budget for FY2019-2020. Motion carried.

Moved by Lauren Youse and supported by Roy Hark to open the Library building when the City decides it is safe to open City buildings. Further moved to limit the public to 10 individuals in the building at any one time. Motion carried.

Moved by Lauren Youse and supported by Roy Hark to set an hour time limit on the amount of time a patron can spend in the building on a daily basis unless special arrangements are made with the Director or her designee. Motion carried.

Moved by Roy Hark and supported by Tom Prater to require the public to wear facemasks while in the building. It was noted that Library employees were already required to wear facemasks when in proximity to others. Motion carried.

Moved by Frank DiTillo and supported by Roy Hark to amend the Policy Statement Concerning Public Behavior to include the following language under examples of behavior that will not be tolerated:

17. Being present in the Library when attendance exceeds the building’s authorized fire or building code occupancy, in the meeting rooms when attendance exceeds the rooms’ occupancy, or when other circumstances dictate stricter occupancy limits and attendance is exceeded.

Motion carried.

The proposed revisions to the By-Laws were given a first reading.

Moved by Roy Hark and supported by Lauren Youse to authorize Hallie Yundt Silver to have Klingner lay out a floor plan based on the Book Stack Replacement specification already devised if no bids are received in time for the bid opening on May 15, 2020. Motion carried.

Moved by Frank DiTillo and supported by J’Nelle Lee to authorize the the Building & Grounds Committee to accept bids for the Book Stack Replacement project on or after May 25, 2020, should bids be received. Motion carried.

Moved by Roy Hark and supported by J’Nelle Lee to table consideration of the Lexan display cases in the windows in the 3rd floor. Motion carried.

Moved by Roy Hark and supported by J’Nelle Lee to adjourn. Motion carried.

The meeting adjourned at 6:25 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,


Hallie Yundt Silver, Acting Secretary




Kim Ahrens, President