MINUTES OF THE MEETING of March 13, 2018

The Hannibal Free Public Library Board of Trustees met on Tuesday, March 13, 2018, at 5:00 p.m., in the 3rd Floor Meeting Rooms at Hannibal Free Public Library, 200 South Fifth Street, Hannibal, MO 63401. Present: Kim Ahrens, Roy Hark, Sara A. North, Tom Prater and Casey Welch. Absent: Amber Baxter, Frank DiTillo, J’Nelle Lee, and Lauren Youse. Also Present: Hallie Yundt Silver, Library Director.

Library Board President Kim Ahrens chaired the meeting. She called it to order at 5:00 p.m.

Moved by Casey Welch and supported by Tom Prater to approve the Minutes of the meeting of February 13, 2018. Motion carried.

Claims were distributed. The Claim for Master Card was included in the Financial Packet. Moved by Tom Prater and supported by Roy Hark to approve the Claims for Claims for March 2018 in the amount of $9,565.04 and Master Card in the amount of $2,179.02. It was noted that the Claim did not include the previous month’s personnel expenses of $37,931.34 and that the claim for $213 listed under Missouri Library Association is actually a payment to the American Library Association for Hallie’s dues. Motion carried.

Moved by Sara North and supported by Roy Hark to designate as "Cash Flow" the $5,000 invested at First Internet Bank. Motion carried.

Moved by Roy Hark and supported by Sara North to approve the Investment Report for February 2018. Motion carried.

Hallie Yundt Silver reported that she had received paperwork from Commerce Bank confirming the investment in a CD of $175,000.00 in Cash Flow for six months at Commerce Bank at 1.75% annualized yield, or $1,548.26 to be paid at maturity on September 4, 2018.

Moved by Tom Prater and supported by Sara North to do a resolution to authorizing any two of the following four people to purchase and redeem CDs from Commerce Bank: Kim Ahrens, Amber Baxter, Frank DiTillo, and Hallie Yundt Silver. Motion carried.

The City Financial Report was included in the Financial packet.

The Transfer Recommendation was distributed. Moved by Casey Welch and supported by Tom Prater to approve the Transfer Recommendation for February 2018, showing no transfer between accounts. Motion carried.

There was no Correspondence.

Meeting plans for various Committees were discussed. Hallie Yundt Silver was instructed to email for dates. Casey Welch expressed interest in reappointment to the Library Board. Kim Ahrens, Sara North, and Tom Prater indicated they would be willing to continue as Library Board Officers. Hallie Yundt Silver reported that Frank DiTillo had also expressed interest, but that Amber Baxter had served her three terms of office and must be replaced per State Statute.

Kim Ahrens wondered when the Library Board’s photo needed to be taken for the fiscal year. It was decided to take it at the next meeting.

The written Director’s Report was included in the packet.

Moved by Roy Hark and supported by Tom Prater to accept the FY16-17 Audit with the stipulation that several lines related to the Library’s Federal LSTA grants remain unresolved. Motion carried.

Moved by Sara North and supported by Casey to approve payment of salary and benefits to Willie Strong for 1 ½ hours later in the evening on February 20th due to Hallie Yundt Silver’s having sent him home early because of weather conditions. Motion carried.

There was consensus that the Library Board could consider a personnel budget based on the City’s potential increase of a step plus 1.5% COLA adjustment to base of its pay scale, or a total of 3.5%. Also discussed was the consideration of a lift to the base of the Library’s pay scale for the Associate 1 position.

Moved by Casey Welch and supported by Roy Hark to amend LSTA Revenue and Expenditure accounts, the A&E Revenue and Expenditure accounts, and to adjust the total Materials budget to $88,000. Motion carried.

Moved by Tom Prater and supported by Roy Hark to partner with several other community agencies and pursue a "Big Reed" grant and program for the latter half of 2019. Motion carried.

Moved by Roy Hark and supported by Tom Prater to add the old exterior trash can, the low rockers, and the game table to the surplus list. Motion carried.

It was determined that there was no need for an Executive Session.

Moved by Roy Hark and supported by Casey Welch to adjourn. Motion carried.

The Library Board adjourned at 5:42 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,


Hallie Yundt Silver, Acting Secretary



Kim Ahrens, President