MINUTES OF THE MEETING of November 14, 2017


The Hannibal Free Public Library Board of Trustees met on Tuesday, November 14, 2017, at 5:00 p.m., in the 3rd Floor Meeting Rooms at Hannibal Free Public Library, 200 South Fifth Street, Hannibal, MO 63401. Present: Kim Ahrens, Frank DiTillo, Roy Hark, J’Nelle Lee, Sara A. North, Casey Welch, and Lauren Youse. Absent: Amber Baxter and Tom Prater. Also Present: Hallie Yundt Silver, Library Director.


Library Board President Kim Ahrens chaired the meeting. She called it to order at 5:04 p.m.

Moved by Roy Hark and supported by Lauren Youse to approve the Minutes of the meeting of October 10, 2017, as amended. Discussion followed that the Director’s report needed to be amended to clarify that Gary Silver is in physical therapy. Motion carried.

Claims were distributed. Moved by Frank DiTillo and supported by Roy Hark to approve the Claims for November 2017 in the amount of $81,248.47. Motion carried.

Moved by Sara North and supported by J’Nelle Lee to authorize the Investment Committee to proceed and make the investment through AMG of $99,000 in principal of the Melba Easley Estate invested in the maturing CD and up to $5,605.60 from the money market. Motion carried.

The Investment Report was in the financial packet. Moved by Frank DiTillo and supported by Lauren Youse to approve the Investment Report for October 2017. Motion carried.

The City Financial Report was included in the financial packet.

The Transfer Recommendation was distributed. Moved by Lauren Youse and supported by Casey Welch to approve the Transfer Recommendation for November 2017 showing no transfer between accounts. Motion carried.

Under Correspondence, Hallie Yundt Silver reported receiving an emailed request from Brian McMillen of New London for email addresses for Trustees. She stated that she knew of no issues he might want to discuss with the Library Board, but because of the time constraints of the Sunshine Law, she said she replied and let him know that she was the Library’s Custodian of Records. She said she offered to forward his information. She said she contacted Mary Bright at City Hall to find out what the Mayor’s Office would provide if asked and was told she would provide the names and phone numbers of Library Board members. There was consensus for Hallie Yundt Silver to forward any correspondence, per established procedures.


Committee Reports included the Building & Grounds Committee which will work on the Library’s flower beds on November 18th, weather permitting, and the Investment Committee which needs to meet on or shortly after December 10th.

The written Director’s Report was included in the packet. Hallie Yundt Silver added the following to her report:

Tammy Smith, a new part-time Associate 1, started as did the new Library Shelver, Angie Voepel. The new hires were notified that the Library operates under State Statutes that forbid employees from being relatives of Library Board members.

Cori Turner could not arrange her work schedule at her other place of employment to be available for scheduling here, so she resigned before she started as the other part-time Associate 1. The position will be advertised again in 2018 and additional hours will be added to the other Associates 1 in the interim.

Library scheduled to be closed on November 16th to install the new server and upgrade one of the older servers. The closed date was approved via email by Kim Ahrens, Amber Baxter, J’Nelle Lee, and Lauren Youse. Roy Hark approved the closure in person.

Summer 18 LSTA grant application was submitted in the amount of $5,748 with $800 matching for a total grant request of $6,548.

Hannibal Parks & Recreation Department started planting trees across the street.

Gary Silver will now be in physical therapy once a week, usually on Monday afternoon. Hallie Yundt Silver’s schedule will vary.

Library logo shirts will be ordered soon.

The Library is looking into a hot box as possible treatment for bed bugs in returned materials.

There was consensus to proceed with City-issued credit cards with the understanding that the Library Board could always decide to make other arrangements. There was consensus that no "generic" credit card would be needed for Library Board use.

Moved by Frank DiTillo and supported by Roy Hark to do a bank resolution for F&M to name Caitlin as an additional co-signer on safety box where property deeds and digital collection CDs are stored, and to remove Claire’s name. Motion carried.

Moved by Roy Hark and supported by Casey Welch to approve the corrected 2018 Calendar of Operations. Motion carried.

Moved by Sara North and supported by Roy Hark to provide the following language to the City as the Library’s 5-Year Capital Plan: "A building expansion project is planned at some point in the future (placeholder at $1 million although we anticipate that expansion will cost considerably more than that amount). The Library’s 2-year Capital Plan was included in the FY2017-2018 Budget Narrative on pages 10 to 13, which was provided to the City Council in July 2017." Motion carried.

Moved by Roy Hark and supported by Casey Welch to adjourn. Motion carried. The Library Board adjourned at 5:41 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,


Hallie Yundt Silver, Acting Secretary




Kim Ahrens, President