The Hannibal Free Public Library Board of Trustees met on Tuesday, January 10, 2017, in the 3rd Floor Meeting Rooms at Hannibal Free Public Library, 200 South Fifth Street, Hannibal, MO  63401. Present were: Kim Ahrens, Amber Baxter, J’Nelle Lee, Sara North, Tom Prater, and Lauren Youse.  Absent were David Clayton, Frank DiTillo, and Casey Welch.  Also present was Librarian Hallie Yundt Silver.


Kim Ahrens chaired the meeting.  She called it to order at 5:03 p.m.


Moved by Sara North and supported by Tom Prater to approve the Minutes of the Meeting of December 13, 2016, but to table approval of the Minutes of the Executive Session of December 13, 2016.  Motion carried.


Final Claims for January 2017 were distributed.  Added was a Claim for Sales Tax, payable to the Missouri Department of Revenue in the amount of $236.54.  Moved by Amber Baxter and supported by Lauren Youse to approve the Claims for January 2017 in the amount of $70,497.57.  Motion carried.


A draft of the Investment Report for December 2016 was emailed in a supplemental packet, and an update was distributed at the meeting.  .  Moved by Amber Baxter and supported by Lauren Youse to approve the Investment Report for December 2016. 


The City Financial Report was emailed in a supplemental packet. 


The Transfer Recommendation for January 2017 was distributed showing no transfer between the HNB and the operating account.  Moved by Lauren Youse and supported by J’Nelle Lee to approve the Transfer Recommendation for January 2017.  Motion carried.


There was no Correspondence.


Committee assignments were discussed.  There was consensus to proceed on planning for the FY2017-2018 as a Committee of the Whole.  It was announced that the Investment Committee would meet on January 17, 2017, and the Library Personnel & Services Committee would meet at a date to be announced after February 1, 2017. 


The written Director’s Report was included in the packet.  Hallie Yundt Silver added the following information to her report:



Discussion followed on the Long-Distance Telephone Service bid for FY2017-2018, the last year of e-Rate support for Plain Old Telephone Service or POTS.  Hallie Yundt Silver said she had received an inquiry from CenturyLink Business Solutions but no bid, and that AT&T was the only bid received.  She described AT&T’s bid as a block of 250 minutes for $15 a month with calls over the block rate of $0.06 per minute.  Moved by Sara North and supported by Tom Prater to accept AT&T’s bid.  Motion carried. 


Moved by Tom Prater and supported by Sara North to authorize Hallie Yundt Silver to submit a Library Services & Technology Grant application to seek funds to assist with strategic planning for the Library.  Motion carried.


Moved by Lauren and supported by Amber Baxter to amend the Library’s budget to allow the expenditure of the first two quarters of the Athletes and Entertainers Tax Fund (A&E) by adding $1,738.05 in Revenue Account 80.1098 (State Aid-A&E) and the same amount in Expenditure Account 80.60.439 (A&E Expenditure-Childrens).  Motion carried.


Moved by Sara North and supported by Lauren Youse to amend the 2017 Calendar of Operations to include January 2nd as a closed day.  It was noted that January 2nd was not a paid holiday for the staff.  Motion carried. 


Moved by Amber Baxter and supported by J’Nelle Lee to declare December 17th as a weather-related closing and to authorize paying full-time staff for the day.  It was noted that the decision was made before 9:00 a.m., so part-time staff was not paid per policy.  Motion carried. 


Kim Ahrens announced that the tentative agenda of this meeting also includes a vote to close part of this meeting pursuant to RSMO 610.021(3) “Hiring, firing, disciplining or promoting of particular employees by a public governmental body…”


Moved by J’Nelle Lee and supported by Amber Baxter to enter Executive Session.  Motion carried.  (Roll call (all ayes):  Sara North, Tom Prater, Amber Baxter, Lauren Youse, J’Nelle Lee, Kim Ahrens)


The Library Board entered Executive Session at 5:34 p.m.


Moved by Amber Baxter and supported by Tom Prater to exit Executive Session.  Motion carried.  (Roll call (all ayes):  Sara North, Tom Prater, Amber Baxter, Lauren Youse, J’Nelle Lee, Kim Ahrens)


The Library Board re-opened at 6:18 p.m.


Moved by J’Nelle Lee and supported by Sara North to adjourn.  Motion carried.


The Library Board adjourned at 6:20 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,




Hallie Yundt Silver, Acting Secretary






Kim Ahrens, President