The Hannibal Free Public Library Board of Trustees met on Monday, May 11, 2015, in the 3rd Floor Meeting Rooms at Hannibal Free Public Library, 200 South Fifth Street, Hannibal, MO  63401.  Present were:  Kim Ahrens, David Clayton (4:29 p.m.), Frank DiTillo, Pam Ginsberg, Sara North, and Tom Prater.  Absent were:  Amber Baxter, Brandi Lionberger, and Pam Warfield.  Also present was Librarian Hallie Yundt Silver


President Pam Ginsberg chaired the meeting.  She called the meeting to order at 4:02 p.m.


Hallie Yundt Silver read the minutes of the last meeting since they were omitted from the packet.  Moved by Kim Ahrens and supported by Tom Prater to approve the Minutes of the Meeting of April 13, 2015.  It was noted that Kim Ahrens needs to sign as submitting the Minutes and Pam Ginsberg as accepting them because of Sterne Agee’s requirements.  Motion carried.


Final Claims for the month were distributed.  Moved by Sara North and supported by Kim Ahrens to approve the Claims for May 2015 in the amount of $47,928.47.  Motion carried.


The Sterne Agee Report was included in the packet.  The Investment Report Overview for April 2015 was distributed.  It was noted that there was an addition error on the fourth page, and the Library Board was asked to disregard this page.  There was consensus that this is enough information for the Library Board, and distribution at the meeting is acceptable.  Hallie Yundt Silver indicated she planned to email the entire report monthly to Frank DiTillo.  Moved by Kim Ahrens and supported by Frank DiTillo  to accept the Sterne Agee Report and the Investment Report Overview for April 2015.  Motion carried.


Moved by Tom Prater and supported by Sara North to accept the Finance Committee’s recommendation on the following investment:  DiTillo to have Brad Lukens at AMG invest $120,000.00 from the Easley account, and $1,000 each from the Levering and Dulaney accounts, a total of $122,000, in one CD  for 30 to 36 months. 


The City Financial report for April 2015 was distributed.


The Transfer Recommendation for May 2015 was distributed.  Moved by Frank DiTillo and supported by Tom Prater to approve the Transfer Recommendation, showing no transfer of funds between Cash Flow and the Operating Account.  Motion carried.


There was no Correspondence.


The following Committee reports were made:


A.             Finance Committee-The Committee met that day.  Its recommendations were considered by the Library Board above.

B.             Library Personnel & Services Committee-Scheduled to meet prior to the Library Board meeting in June. 


C.             Building & Grounds Committee-none

D.             Nominating Committee-Scheduled to meet prior to the Library Board meeting in June. 

E.  By-Laws Committee-none

F. Investment Committee-Minutes were included in the packet.


The Director’s written report was included in the packet.  She repeated for the record information about the Riedel Foundation Grant included in her written report.  The Foundation offered up to $3,500 toward t-shirts to go to children and teens who complete the program by reading 20 or more hours or completing read-to-me literacy activities.  The Library Board accepted the grant for via email with Brandi Lionberger, Kim Ahrens, Amber Baxter, Tom Prater, Frank DiTillo, and Sara North voting in favor. 


There was no Old Business to consider.


Moved by Tom Prater and supported by David Clayton to authorize either Hallie Yundt Silver or Amber Baxter to sign any authorizations releasing security pledging at HNB.  Motion carried. 


No recommendations were made or actions taken on the Budget.


Discussion followed on possible Library Board appointments to recommend to the Mayor.  J’Nelle Lee and Laura (Ginsberg) Judlowe were suggested for the Nominating Committee to consider.


It was noted that the Election of Officers would occur at the June meeting.  Pam Ginsberg called for Nominations from the Floor.  Kim Ahrens volunteered to serve in whatever position was needed.  Tom Prater volunteered to serve as Vice-President.  Hallie Yundt Silver agreed to poll other Library Board members.  The Slate of Officers was given a First Reading.


Moved by Frank DiTillo and supported by Kim Ahrens to adjourn.  The meeting adjourned at 4:49 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,




Kim Ahrens, Vice-President







Pamela Ginsberg, President