Hannibal Free Public Library

Board of Trustees Meeting

May 13, 2013

The Hannibal Free Public Library Board of Trustees met at 4:00 p.m. on Monday, May 13, 2013, in the 3rd Floor Meeting Rooms at Hannibal Free Public Library, 200 South Fifth Street, Hannibal, MO  63401.  Present were: Amber Baxter, Pam Ginsberg, John M. Hark, Gordon Ipson, Jeanie Powers, and Pam Warfield.  Absent were: Frank DiTillo, Brandi Lionberger, and Mike Scholes. Also present were Karen Sutor of F&M Bank and Librarian Hallie Yundt Silver.  


Library Board President Pam Ginsberg called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m.


It was discovered that the Minutes had not been included in the packet although they were posted on the website.  Moved by Gordon Ipson and supported by John M. Hark to table approval of Minutes of the meeting and executive session of April 8, 2013.  Motion carried.


Moved by John M. Hark and supported by Gordon Ipson to approve the Claims in the amount of $55,272.53 for May, MIRMA expense in the amount of $35,666 to be debited from the account, the CDW-G invoice paid in April in the amount of $1,656, and Unused Sick Leave debited from the account in April, totaling $3,041.  Motion carried.


Karen Sutor provided the Trust Fund Report.  She distributed the printed report.  She talked briefly about CD rates and the investments for the Garth Trust.  She provided a copy of a proposed contract, which there was consensus to consider at the June meeting.  A current list of Library Board members and their contact information was provided to Karen Sutor.


Moved by Gordon Ipson and supported by Jeanie Powers to have Trust reports sent to the Library Board President and Treasurer and the Library Director, and to authorize Karen Sutor of F&M Bank to talk to any of these officials about Library Trust business.  Motion carried.  Karen Sutor indicated she would continue to email reports to Hallie Yundt Silver and she would begin mailing reports to Pam Ginsburg and Amber Baxter.


City Financial Report and the Library’s spreadsheet were distributed.  Hallie Yundt Silver noted that when development of the budget was begun in March, property tax revenues were behind a month because of the change in collection procedures.  She said that revenues look very good, and expenditures will be much as expected with the Mortar, Stucco & Roof project being the big unknown. 


The Transfer Recommendation was distributed.  Moved by Jeanie Powers and supported by Gordon Ipson not to transfer any funds between the Library’s Operating Account at the City and the Library Trust.  Motion carried.


Gordon Ipson’s and Mike Schole’s decisions not to be reappointed were noted.  Both had corresponded with the Mayor.


There was no Public Comment.


The Finance Committee was scheduled to meet on May 29th at 4:00 p.m.  The Library Personnel & Services Committee was scheduled to meet on May 28th, also at 4 p.m.  There was no Building & Grounds Committee meeting.  Pam Warfield reported on the Nominating Committee meeting, which met at 3:30 p.m. on May 13th.  There was no By-Laws Committee meeting.


The written Director’s Report was included in the packet.  In addition, Hallie Yundt Silver reported:


Moved by Gordon Ipson and supported by Jeanie Powers to authorize Hallie Yundt Silver and a Finance Committee or astaff member to conduct the bid opening at 5:00 p.m. on May 29th.  Motion carried.


Hallie Yundt Silver provided an update on funding at the Missouri State Library.  She said that information was emailed to Library Board members on the latest meeting with the Secretary of State.  She indicated she had completed an on-line communication about State Library services utilized at Hannibal Free Public Library.   She requested no action from the Library Board at this time.


Moved by Gordon Ipson and supported by Pam Warfield to request a check from NEMO Found in the amount of $5,910.49, of which $4,980.83 is proceeds from the sale of the Hagood book and $929.66 is the Library's share of Ink by the Barrel.  The letter drafted for Pam Ginsburg to sign was read.  Motion carried.


The Nominating Committee’s Slate of Officers was read.  The Slate proposes the same officers as this year, including


Pam Ginsberg for President

Jeanie Powers for Vice-President

Amber Baxter for Treasurer

John M. Hark for Secretary


Pam Ginsburg called for Nominations from the Floor.  Moved by Gordon Ipson and supported by John M. Hark to cease.  Motion carried.


Moved by Jeanie Powers and supported by Amber Baxter to authorize Hallie Yundt Silver to apply for a Show Me grant to fund her attendance at the Federated Genealogical Societies Conference in August.  Motion carried.


Moved by Gordon Ipson and supported by John M. Hark to authorize Hallie Yundt Silver to apply for a Technology Mini-Grant based on the Library’s Technology Plan.  Motion carried. 


Moved by Jeanie Powers and supported by John M. Hark to authorize Hallie Yundt Silver to apply for a Summer Reading Collection Development Grant in the amount of $4,678.  Motion carried.


Moved by Jeanie Powers and supported by Pam Warfield to amend and adopt Purchase (Credit) Card Policy.  Motion carried.


Moved by Gordon Ipson and supported by John M. Hark to set 4:00 p.m., June 10th, as the date of the Public Hearing for Library Budget, and to authorize Hallie Yundt Silver to advertise the budget hearing.  Motion carried.


There was consensus to allow Hallie Yundt Silver to submit the second set of Claims in June and to seek approval for it at the July meeting. 


There was no need for an Executive Session.


Moved by John M. Hark and supported by Gordon Ipson to adjourn.  Meeting adjourned at 5:05 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,




Hallie Yundt Silver, Director (Acting as Board Secretary)

Hannibal Free Public Library






Pamela Ginsberg, President

Hannibal Free Public Library Board of Trustees