Hannibal Free Public Library

Board of Trustees Meeting

July 8, 2013

The Hannibal Free Public Library Board of Trustees met at 4:00 p.m. on Monday, July 8, 2013, in the 3rd Floor Meeting Rooms at Hannibal Free Public Library, 200 South Fifth Street, Hannibal, MO  63401.  Present were:  Amber Baxter, Frank DiTillo, Pam Ginsberg, John M. Hark, Brandi Lionberger, Jeanie Powers, and Pam Warfield.  There were two unfilled vacancies.  Also present was Librarian Hallie Yundt Silver.   Also present wasLibrarian Hallie Yundt Silver.  


Library Board President Pam Ginsberg called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m.


Pam Warfield administered oaths and installed the Officers for FY2013-2014:  Pam Ginsberg as President, Jeanie Powers as Vice-President, Amber Baxter as Treasurer, and John M. Hark as Secretary.


Moved by Brandi Lionberger and supported by Pam Warfield to approve Minutes of the meeting and executive session of April 8, 2013, and of the meeting of May 13, 2013, bid opening minutes of May 29, 2013, the budget hearing on June 10, 2013, and the Minutes of the meeting and executive session of June 10, 2013.  Motion carried.


Moved by Jeanie Powers and supported by Amber Baxter to approve the Claims for June 2013, totaling $178,747.68, and July 2013, totaling $41,638.39.  Motion carried.


The Trust Fund Report was included in the packet.  Amber Baxter and Pam Ginsberg reported receiving a separate mailing of it, per the Agreement with F&M Bank. 


The City Financial Report was not available at the time of the meeting.


Moved by Frank DiTillo and supported by John M. Hark to approve the Transfer Recommendation for July 2013.  Motion carried.


There was no Correspondence.


No Committees met since the June meeting.  Pam Ginsberg reappointed Trustees to the same Committees as last year.


The written Director’s Report was included in the packet.  Hallie Yundt Silver added to her report:


o       She distributed Circulation Statistics.  She noted the decrease in patron count and said the decline in circulation was disappointing.  Discussion followed on possible reasons, which included reading e-books and use of the Internet.

o       She reported on the FY2012-13 Budget.  She said she and her staff were unable to expend the materials budget completely.  She said she did not get the vacuum cleaner selected for purchase either. 

o       Because of her husband’s medical condition, she reported she will not be able to attend the 2013 FGS Conference.  She said the fee for conference is refundable except for $50, for which she will reimburse the Library.

o       She reported progress on contacting candidates for Library Board appointment.  She said she contacted Tom Prater and asked him to write a letter to the Mayor requesting appointment.  She said she was in the process of contacting the other people on the list and will report results in August.  She reported Babs Herring had declined.


Hallie Yundt Silver reported that Pishny Restoration Services completed all pre-contract requirements of Mortar, Stucco & Roof Project, and the notarized contract and the check for one-half payment were mailed Friday.  I emailed the company this morning to inquire about a pre-construction conference meeting or phone call.


Moved by John M. Hark and supported by Amber Baxter to issue Proclamations and Certificates to Gordon Ipsom and Mike Scholes to acknowledge their contribution as Library Board members and to thank them.  Motion carried.


Hallie Yundt Silver reported Bob See, Ralls County Presiding Commissioner, came to see her the day of the Library Board meeting.  She reported on their meeting.  She distributed updated statistical information about Hannibal Free Public Library’s service to Ralls County.  Discussion followed about the Ralls County Library Board meeting on August 13, 2013.  Frank DiTillo agreed to attend the meeting with Hallie Yundt Silver.


Moved by Jeanie Powers and supported by Brandi Lionberger to to continue to increase the fee assessed to Ralls County Library by $1,000 annually until the cap of $40,000 is reached, at which time the fee should increase by the COLA the City of Hannibal uses.  Motion carried.


Moved by John M. Hark and supported by Frank DiTillo to increase the individual Non-Resident Fee to $40 and the family fee to $80, effective on non-resident’s cards renewed January 1, 2014 and later.  Motion carried.


Moved by Amber Baxter and supported by Pam Warfield to invest $150,000 in a CD in Capital Outlay and keep the rest of the cash in the Trust liquid for use in Cash Flow.  In addition, it was moved to transfer the two CD’s in Cash Flow to Unrestricted.  Motion carried.


Moved by John M. Hark and supported by Frank DiTillo to enter Executive Session, including Hallie Yundt Silver, pursuant to RSMO 610.021(12) “Sealed bids and related documents, until the bids are opened; and sealed proposals and related documents or any documents related to a negotiated contract until a contract is executed, or all proposals are rejected.”  Motion carried.  (Roll call (all ayes):  Pam Warfield, John M. Hark, Frank DiTillo, Brandi Lionberger, Amber Baxter, Pam Ginsberg.


The meeting was closed at 4:35 p.m.


Moved by John M. Hark and supported by Frank DiTillo to re-open the session.  Motion carried.  (Roll call (all ayes):  Pam Warfield, John M. Hark, Frank DiTillo, Brandi Lionberger, Amber Baxter, Pam Ginsberg.


The meeting re-opened at 4:44 p.m.


Moved by Amber Baxter and supported by Pam Warfield to adjourn.  The meeting adjourned at 4:45 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,



Hallie Yundt Silver, Director (Acting as Board Secretary)

Hannibal Free Public Library





Pamela Ginsberg, President

Hannibal Free Public Library Board of Trustees