September 8, 2008


The Board of Trustees of the Hannibal Free Public Library met in the Board Room of the Library on Monday, September 8, 2008 at 4:00 p.m.   Present were Board members Todd Ahrens, Marjorie Coleman, Gordon Ipson, and Jeanie Powers.  Also present were Librarian Hallie Yundt-Silver and Tamara Reed of F&M Bank and Trust.  


Marjorie called the meeting to order and chaired the meeting in Becky’s absence.  The date on the Agenda was corrected to Monday, September 8, 2008.


April was installed as Treasurer for fiscal year 2008-2009.


Gordon was welcomed as a new member of the Board of Trustees and installed.


Moved by Todd and supported by April to approve the Minutes.  Motion carried.


Moved by Todd and supported by Gordon to approve the Claims as amended.  Motion carried.


Moved by Jeanie and supported by April to accept the Treasurer’s Report from F&M Bank.  Motion carried.


Hallie distributed a Balance Sheet corrected page of the City’s Financial Report.  Moved by Gordon and supported by Todd to accept the Balance Sheet and corrected Financial Report.  Motion carried.


Moved by Todd and supported by April to approve the Transfer Recommendation.  Motion carried.


There was no Correspondence or Public Comment.


The Finance Committee reported its recommendation to the Board.  Moved by Todd and supported by Jeanie to instruct Hallie to look into other sources of funding, ranging from forming a library district to contacting the county to pursue its interest in funding non-resident cards.  Motion carried.


The Library & Librarians Committee and the Building Committee had not met.


The Director’s written report was mailed in the packet.  Hallie provided a verbal update to her report.  She informed the Board of her intention to take vacation from Friday, September 19, through Monday, September 29.  She indicated that the City’s annual audit was underway and most of the first week in September was occupied by the Auditor.   She indicated she would submit the list of Library Board members to the State Library again, as required, now that membership of the Board is complete.  She notified the Board that JM&S Electric planned to begin work soon and inquired about signing documents.


Moved by Gordon and supported by Todd to authorize Hallie to sign contractual documents with JM&S Electric.  Motion carried.


Receipt of the Librarian’s Annual Report was noted.  There was consensus that she should distribute it to the Mayor and City Council.


Moved by Gordon and supported by Todd to table the Safety Deposit Box Resolution and take action at the next meeting.  Motion carried.


Gordon left the meeting, which continued to discuss the agenda.  No further action was taken due to lack of a quorum.


There was consensus that Becky Steffa should be the contact for the Northeast Missouri Community Foundation to avoid any perceived or real conflicts of interest.


Hallie indicated that Peggy’s Show Me Steps to Development Grant application had not been funded.  She had not been notified about Sheila’s application.  No action was taken.


No action was taken on Hallie’s recommendation concerning the Sundermeyer Designated Trust.


There was consensus that Hallie should pursue setting up an account at the Library’s vendor for staff and Friends members. 


Moved by April and supported by Jeanie to adjourn.  Meeting adjourned at 4:40 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,




Hallie Yundt Silver, Acting Secretary