Hannibal Free Public Library

Board of Trustees Meeting

October 13, 2008




The Board of Trustees of the Hannibal Free Public Library met in the Trustees’ Room of the Library on Monday, October 13, 2008at 4:00 p.m.   Present were Board members Todd Ahrens, April Baldwin, Marjorie Coleman, Pam Ginsberg, Janet Klueppel, Jeanie Powers, and Becky Steffa.  Also present were Librarian Hallie Yundt-Silver and Tamara Reed of F&M Bank and Trust.  


Board President Becky Steffa called the meeting to order and chaired the meeting.


Moved by Todd and supported by Marjorie to approve the Minutes of the meeting of September 8, 2008.  Motion carried.


Moved by Marjorie and supported by Pam to approve the Claims with Assessment for the month corrected to $28.64.  Motion carried. 


The Board requested additional information about how expenses for assessment are calculated and what agency is paid for the assessment.


Moved by Pam and supported by Marjorie to approve the Treasurer’s Report.  Motion carried.


The City’s Financial Report was distributed and accepted by consensus.  Hallie noted that she had only had time to give the report a cursory review.  She explained that because the auditor still had the ledger books for overdue fines, photocopier and other miscellaneous fees, at least one deposit would need to be re-allocated through journal entry.


Moved by Todd and supported by Janet to approve the recommendation to transfer up to $39,960.19, with $21,360 being transferred and not to exceed $18,000 by the end of the month.  Motion carried.


There was no Correspondence or Public Comment.


Becky distributed the list of Board members and made committee assignments for the year.  April, Todd, and Becky are members of the Finance Committee, with April its chair.  Marjorie, Jeanie, and Gordon are members of the Library/Librarians Committee, with Marjorie its chair.  Building Committee members are Pam, Janet, and Vanu, with Pam the chair.  The Nominating Committee has not been appointed yet.


April reported on the Finance Committee, which met prior to the Board meeting.  She said the committee had reviewed the transfer request, and CD interest.


The Library & Librarians Committee and the Building Committee had not met.


The Director’s written report was mailed in the packet.  Hallie provided a verbal update to her report.  There was consensus that Hallie’s activity with the Reading Award Program at Missouri Girls Town is part of her job.  The Board agreed that the Library could contribute materials no longer needed to Missouri Girls Town and to the Jail.  Hallie indicated that she would be tutoring English Thursday mornings in a cooperative effort with Ralls County HeadStart.


Moved by Todd and supported by Pam to approve execution of the Safety Deposit Box Resolution by appropriate Board officers.


Moved by Jeannie and supported by April to appoint the Board Chair as contact for the Northeast Missouri Community Foundation for as long as Gary Silver is the Foundation’s President.  Motion carried.


Moved by Marjorie and supported by Janet to accept the Show Me Steps to Development Grant for Sheila’s attendance at the Missouri Library Association conference.  Motion carried.


Moved by Todd and supported by Jeannie to establish the Ann Sundermeyer Memorial Fund as a Board restricted account, and to designate the interest to be used annually to buy books and other materials on cancer.


Moved by Marjorie and supported by Pam to adjourn.  There being no further business, the Board adjourned at 4:40 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,




Hallie Yundt Silver, Library Director

Acting Secretary for the Board



Accepted by the Board,




Becky Steffa, Board President