Hannibal Free Public Library

Board of Trustees Meeting

December 8, 2008




The Board of Trustees of the Hannibal Free Public Library met in the Woman’s Club Room of the Library on Monday, December 8, 2008 at 4:00 p.m.   Present were Board members Todd Ahrens, April Baldwin, Pam Ginsberg, Jeanie Powers, and Becky Steffa.  Also present was Librarian Hallie Yundt-Silver.  


Board President Becky Steffa chaired the meeting.  The meeting was called to order at 4 p.m.  The Agenda was rearranged.


Moved by Pam and supported by Jeannie to approve the Minutes of the meeting of October 13, 2008.  Motion carried.


Discussion followed concerning the MPLD Property Tax Study.  Hallie recommended overspending the budget account for Contractual Services to participate in it.  She indicated that most Missouri public libraries planned to provide funds for it.


Discussion followed concerning participation in Missouri Library Association.  There was consensus to renew individual memberships for staff, but not to renew the Library’s membership or individual memberships for Board members until such time that MLA addresses the issues.  Hallie was instructed to draft a letter to MLA requesting an explanation.


Moved by Todd and supported by Pam to approve the claims for October and for November with the exception of the renewals of the Library’s membership and individual memberships for Board members.  Motion carried.


The Treasurer’s Report was accepted by consensus.


Moved by Pam and supported by Gordon to accept the City’s Financial Report for October.  Motion carried.  The Report for November was distributed.  Moved by Gordon and supported by Todd to accept it.  Motion carried.


Moved by April and supported by Todd to approve the Transfer Recommendation of October 24, 2008.  Motion carried.  Moved by Pam and supported by Gordon to approve the Transfer Recommendation of November 10, 2008.  Motion carried.   A Transfer Recommendation, dated December 8, 2008, was distributed.  Moved by Gordon and supported by Todd to approve the Transfer Recommendation of December 8, 2008.  Motion carried. 


There was no Correspondence or Public Comment.


April reported on the Finance Committee, which met prior to the Board meeting.  She said the committee had discussed HNB’s resolutions and the money market account.  She indicated that the discussion of the Master Memo had been tabled.


The Library & Librarians Committee and the Building Committee had not met.


Becky reported on the Nominating Committee, which met by email and decided to recommend Mike Scholes for consideration as a new Board member.  Moved by Gordon and supported by Pam to recommend Mike to the City Manager to consider for appointment.  Motion carried.


The Director’s written report was mailed in the packet.  Hallie provided a verbal update to her report.  She reported about the Missouri Department of Revenue’s decision not to provide tax forms to libraries for distribution.  Todd and Gordon requested a talking paper on the topic.  Hallie continued by reporting on progress with electrical work.  She said she had finally received a quote on replacing the exterior lightbulbs.  She indicated that the next project will be the Board Room—rewiring and perhaps a different ceiling fixture—and and a ceiling fan and light combination for her office.


Hallie recommended discussing the Library’s revenue situation next with the County Assessor.  She also recommended that she draft a formal letter to the City for Becky to sign that would official alert City officials to the Library’s financial situation and initiate the process to request a supplemental appropriation.  Moved by Todd and accepted by Gordon to accept the recommendation.  Motion carried.


Moved by Todd and supported by Jeannie to adopt the proposed 2009 Calendar of Operations.  Motion carried. 


Moved by Todd and supported by Gordon to accept Vanu’s resignation, issue the usual proclamation and certificate, and recommend Mike Scholes to the City Manager for consideration as a replacement.  Motion carried.


Moved by Todd and supported by Pam to acknowledge Hallie’s recommendations, entitled “Costs for Library Services…,” dated November 2, 2008.  Motion carried.


Moved by Gordon and supported by Pam to set the annual fee for Non-Resident Borrowers, to start with cards expiring on January 1, 2009 and thereafter, at $35.00 per person or $70 per family.  Motion carried.


Moved by Todd and supported by Gordon to authorize Tamara to move the Library’s regular money market to an Infinity account at HNB for the F&M Trust’s transfers.  Motion carried. 


Moved by Jeannie and supported by April to approve application for the Gates Opportunity Online Hardware Grant.  Motion carried.


No action was taken on HNB’s Release of Excess Collateral form since the matter had been already resolved by the Finance Committee.


Moved by Todd and supported by Jeannie to adjourn.  There being no further business, the Board adjourned at 5:05 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,




Hallie Yundt Silver, Library Director



Accepted by the Board,




Becky Steffa, Board President