Hannibal Free Public Library

Board of Trustees Meeting

August 11, 2008




The Board of Trustees of the Hannibal Free Public Library met in the Board room of the Library on Monday, August 11, 2008 at 4:00 p.m.   Present were Board members Todd Ahrens, Marjorie Coleman, Pam Ginsberg, Janet Klueppel, Jeanie Powers, and Becky Steffa.

Also present were Librarian Hallie Yundt-Silver and Tamara Reed of F&M Bank and Trust.  


Due to the absence of an elected Board Chairman, Board Secretary Becky Steffa called the meeting to order.


Jeanie Powers was welcomed as a new member of the Board of Trustees and installed.


The Nominating Committee proposed a slate of officers:  April as Treasurer, Marjorie as Vice-President, and Becky Steffa as President.  Moved by Pam and supported by Todd to close the slate and elect the officers by acclamation.  Motion carried.


Becky installed Marjorie as Vice-President.  Todd installed Becky as President.


Moved by Marjorie and supported by Pam to approve the minutes of the June meeting.  Motion carried.


Moved by Todd and supported by Janet to approve the claims for July and August.  Motion carried.


Tamara supplied the Treasurer’s Report.  She reported that the IndyMac CD was fully insured by the FDIC and it had been redeemed without penalty with accrued interest.  She recommended that the Board revisit liquidity in the account used for cash flow.


Moved by Pam and supported by Todd to approve the Financial Reports for June and July.  Motion carried.


Moved by Marjorie and supported by Pam to approve the Transfer Recommendations of July 14, August 4, and August 11.  Motion carried.


There was no correspondence or public comment.


The Nominating Committee reported its recommendation of Gordon Ipson as a new trustee to complete the remaining two years of Susan’s term of office.  Moved by Todd and supported by Pam to recommend his name to the City Manager.  Motion carried.


The Finance Committee set September 8 at 3 p.m. as its next meeting date.


The Director’s written report was mailed in the packet.  Hallie explained that the Annual Report was net ready yet due to computer problems.  She reported that electricians had attended a pre-quote meeting on August 7.  She inquired whether anyone on the Board planned to attend the Adult Summer Reading Club Finale on August 21, and indicated that since no one so indicated, she would not notice the finale as a social event.  She notified the board that August 15 is the due date for Show-Me Steps to Career Development Grants, which, if funded, will pay for some or all of Peggy’s and Sheila’s attendance at the Missouri Library Association conference in October.  There was consensus agreement to have the Board President sign the application with the understanding that it would be on the agenda for September.


Moved by Pam and supported by Todd to issue a proclamation and certificate in appreciation of service provided by outgoing Board members Susan Wathen and Chase Hickman.  Motion carried.


Moved by Pam and supported by Janet to amend pages 48-52 of the Personnel Policy Manual, which covers paid and unpaid leave including FMLA.  Motion carried.


Moved by Marjorie and supported by Janet to adopt the Fees & Fines Policy as recommended by the Library & Librarian’s Committee.  Motion carried.


Moved by Marjorie and supported by Pam to adjourn.  Motion carried.  Meeting adjourned at 4:45 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,




Hallie Yundt Silver, Library Director

Acting Secretary